We are almost ready to start a remodel, that involves removing a large area of the ceiling. There is blown in insulation above it, and I was wondering if there is an easy, clean method for removal?
Be sure to check and make sure you don't have asbestos in any of that old insulation. This is a serious issue and can cause asbestosis or other types of lung cancers. Do not try to remove it yourself. Most likely, you don't have this, but do check if you have an older home.
That probably would be a good idea to check it out first. There might be some companies out there that can remove it safely and without making a big mess. Good luck and hope everything comes out ok.
There are home test kits available to test insulation for asbestos. If tests are positive for asbestos call a professional to remove it right away. If tests are negative, then you can rent an HEPA vacuum to vacuum it out directly for blown in insulation. Of course, lay down a tarp for easy clean up. Hope this helps!