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  • This forum engine apparently has a "silent limit" of 420 chars. If you exceed that, it complains and refuses to accept. Should provide a real-time count of characters used, and how many remaining. Annoying, but I suppose it does tend to discourage verbosity (which I admit I'm prone to ... my bad).

    How many chars left 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
    Good morning. My name is Tom [HayZee518] I am the lead electrician in another forum that's been online for over ten years. I feel I can be an asset to your repair forums in that I enjoy the challenge of troubleshooting user problems. If granted access I can supply "stickies" - drawn descriptions of electrical devices, etc.
    Rob, how long have you had this forum? looks like not much participation since 2012.
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